We are proud to announce the election of Mélissa Beaudet, our AFMO Manager, to the Board of Directors of the Fédération des gens d'affaires francophones de l'Ontario. Her appointment was made official at their Annual General Meeting 2024 held on April 25 in Toronto. Another step forward for francophone business in Ontario. Congratulations Mélissa!

What an honour it is to contribute to the mission of the Fédération des gens d'affaires francophones de l'Ontario! It is with great enthusiasm that I commit myself to represent and promote the interests of our francophone community. Together, we can truly shine a light on the Francophonie in the business world! Thank you for this opportunity.

Mélissa Beaudet

#FGA2024 #AffairesFrancoOntariennes #Réseautage #MissionAFMO #Toronto