The Association française des municipalités de l’Ontario has a Board of Directors and a President, both duly elected at the Annual General Meeting. The President is the official spokesperson of the Association and chairs the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors. Members of the Board of Directors represent Northern, Eastern, Central and Southwestern Ontario.
Members of the Board of Directors
(Update January 2024)
AFMO Board of Directors

Michelle Boileau Président, Mayor, City of Timmins

Nicole Fortier Levesque Past President Township of Moonbeam

Marc-Gagnon Treasurer, General Manager Municipality of French River
City of Ottawa

Isabelle Courel Translation Services Associate City of Ottawa

Stéphanie Plante Concillor City of Ottawa
Northern Region

Anne-Marie Leblanc Concillor Town of Kapuskasing
Steven A. Olsen Mayor Municipality of Markstay-Warren
Centre Region

Kelsey Santarossa Councillor Municipality of Lakeshore
East Region

Trevor Stewart Councillor Municipality of Clarence-Rockland

Julie Séguin Councillor Town of Hawkesbury
South-West Region
Vacant position to be filled
Associate member representative

Jennifer A. Labelle Program Advisor | French Language Services Ontario Provincial Police
Formulaire de mise en candidature afin de siéger sur le CA