AFMO is the French-language municipal reference in Ontario that promotes skills development and information sharing.

AFMO maintains and supports the network of francophone and francophile municipalities and communities to meet professional, political and strategic needs in the municipal context.

- Parity
- Diversity
- Inclusion
AFMO provides a forum and services in French for elected officials and municipal executives, and acts as an advocate and advisor in the municipal field.
Our objectives are as follows:
- Serve as a voice for members on issues of common interest;
- Promote members’ professional development;
- Serve as a forum for exchange and consultation among members;
- Maintain links with other municipal stakeholders in Ontario and Canada;
- Promote and encourage the use of the French language in municipal affairs;
- Promote francophone immigration to Ontario and support the integration of racial and ethno-cultural minorities into Ontario’s francophone communities.
- Offer training and professional development programs to members of municipal councils, employees and managers of municipal corporations and associate members of the Association.
- Recruit new municipal corporations and associate members to AFMO.
The Association française des municipalités de l’Ontario was founded in 1989 by Gisèle Lalonde, Mayor of the City of Vanier, to advocate for the maintenance and improvement of the governance and delivery of municipal services in French and English in areas of Ontario designated under the French Language Services Act of Ontario.